Sunday, August 02, 2009

repeat viewings list

Every so often there comes a movie that I just did not get or did not like and some time later, I am told I should watch it again and when I do, I find that I quite enjoy the movie. Then there are times that I really enjoy the movie only to find out in a second viewing that I do not enjoy it anymore. What follows will be be 5 of each type.

5 movies I only liked after a second viewing

Shaun of the Dead- I am not sure why I did not enjoy it the first time around. I think I was expecting something different, or maybe I was in a bad mood. Whatever the case, less than two years ago, I was told by about 5 people that I should give it another shot, and I did. I am so glad I did. The movie is hilarious and actually kind of works as a zombie movie, as well as a satire on them. I still prefer Hot Fuzz because it lampoons a genre I love, but Shaun of the Dead has some really classic material. I am not sure if non-zombie movie fans will love it, but if you saw it once and did not like it, give it another shot!

Rushmore- I maintain that I was just too young to fully appreciate this movie the first time I saw it because that is the only explanation I can possibly have. The film is absolutely hilarious in every way, but Bill Murray is amazing. Rushmore kind of began his second wave of comedy and it has really worked out for him. The entire thing just crackles with comedy and zany comedy at that. After my first viewing, I was just confused as to why so many people loved it, but after a second viewing, I was just confused as to why I did not love it! I have now seen the movie half a dozen times and it still kills.

Dark City- I think a part of the reason I did not like this the first time was my age, or my lack of experience in darker kinds of movies. My development as a genuine film geek started kind of late and this movie was way over my head when I first saw it. It is not a movie that is to be entered into lightly. It is very visually stunning and I did not understand that at the time. I am sure I am still missing things in this movie and eventually I need to watch Ebert's commentary, as he is a serious champion of this movie, but I think it is a movie that should be watched a few times before an opinion is really formed.

The Last Action Hero- I was far too young to fully appreciate the script of this movie. I did not get that Arnold was making fun of himself the entire movie and that the whole movie is a funny joke. When I was a kid, I just saw the action and how ridiculous it all was. I did not understand that was the point! My older self absolutely gets this movie now and I understand that the movie is best viewed as a satire of those ridiculous 80s action movies. I re-watched this movie less than a year ago because I have fallen in love with Shane Black( screenwriter) and I was surprised by how funny it was and how much fun I had watching it as an adult.

High Fidelity- Not only do I like this movie now, it is slowly becoming a movie I want to watch often. I am not sure if I did not get the movie the first time, or if I had not experienced enough heart break to fully grasp the John Cusack character's life. It actually took 3 viewings of this to really like it and I am glad people kept bugging me to watch it again. It is one of those nasty comedies that is just as depressing as it is funny. It will be the best thing Jack Black ever does and the thing kind of endeared me to movies where the lead character talks directly to the camera.

5 movies I liked less after more than one viewing

The Core- To say I liked the movie might be a bit of a stretch. I get that it sucks, but after one viewing, I liked it because of how bad it was. Then, after a second viewing I could not remember what it was about the movie I enjoyed. Whatever it was, it no longer existed after that second viewing. I would never say the movie was good, even after one viewing, but disaster flicks, are a special kind of fun and this one lost the fun after one viewing. It is kind of a bummer, but at least I still have The Day After Tomorrow.

The Wedding Crashers- I do still think the movie is funny, but after I watched this the first time, I was raving about it and after a second viewing, I was already kind of over the movie. The dinner table scene is still comedy gold, but the rest is kind of flat, or forced. I like Vince as much as the next guy, but his shtick is kind of over done in this one. I would still watch it if someone wanted to, but I find less and less humor the more times I watch it.

The Warriors- My memory of this as a youngster is that of an awesome movie with kick ass chases and hilarious costumes. A few years ago I bought it on DVD for Erik for his birthday, because I loved it and he had never seen it. My childhood memory quickly gave way to adulthood and the realization that it was not a very good movie. I understand that is part of the appeal for some people, but honestly, I was incredibly disappointed. I actually apologized to Erik for it because I had been building it up to him for quite some time. It made me sad, and it made me wonder about all the other movies I loved growing up.

The Devil's Advocate- I do believe the first time I watched this movie, I was just hypnotized by Al Pacino's amazing monologue delivery. He has two or three of them and they are still pretty damn good, but the movie is a big stinking mess. Charlize Theron and Keanu Reeves make an awful couple and Reeves is incredibly out of his acting league here and it brings the whole movie down. It is such an over the top disaster that I could not even believe I loved it after one viewing. Every thing about it just screams out "I am trying wayyy to hard!!".

Desperado- The ending of this movie is just too much for me now. It is just gets too crazy, when the rest of the movie is not that over the top. It ruins the whole experience for me, when someone has like a rocker launcher in a guitar case. I respect what was being done, but I cannot really watch the movie anymore. Banderas is fine, I guess, but the movie I remember loving the first time, just did not hold up, at all. I prefer El Mariachi and Once upon a time in Mexico because they know exactly what they are.

And finally, 1 movie I never get no matter how many times I watch it

Office Space- I know that everyone seems to love this movie, but I just do not get it. It does not make me laugh no matter how many times people tell me I need to watch it again. I like one scene and that is it. I think the use of The Geto Boys is impressive, but that does not make the movie good. I did some amount of office work, so I understand the archetypes and I even get why it is somewhat of a cult classic, but I just cannot seem to get this movie. Maybe it is a Mike Judge thing. I do not get that guy, I think.

Even tough no one ever comments, I still ask, what movies did it take you two viewings to get? or are there any movies you liked less after 2 viewings?

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