Monday, July 21, 2008

10 movies that always make me cry (some spoilers)

First off, this is an all inclusive list. These are the only 10 movies that make me cry every time I watch them. In some cases I have seen the movie dozens of times and in others, only a few times, but they always get me. It is purely a coincidence that it is 10 movies long. At the end I will name off some movies that made me cry the first time.

10. Into the Wild- This is a new addition and I have only seen it 3 times, but the same part gets me every time. The lead character meets a lonely old man and before the lead character embarks on a journey into the Alaskan wild, the old man asks him if he can adopt him as a grandson. Hal Holbrook as the old man is so perfect that I have had tears streaming down my face each time. It is the most sad moment in a movie full of sad moments. Reading the book first did not help, as I cried reading that part in the book as well. It only added to my belief that the young man was a selfish prick because how could he do that to this old man. It truly breaks my heart each time.

9. John Q.- I will go on record as saying it is not a very good movie. It is so over the top and melodramatic that it doesn't stay serious for very long, but there is a moment that gets it right. John Q is a man who takes a hospital hostage when his insurance will not cover a heart transplant for his kid. Eventually John realizes the only way to do it is to give his kid his heart. Denzel Washington's monologue to the kid kills me. Denzel knows he is about to kill himself to save his son and wants one last moment with him. He gives him life advice on the verge of tears and it hits me hard. It is a brilliant moment in an otherwise forgettable movie.

8. White Squall- To be fair I have not seen this in a decade or so, but it is the first movie to ever make me cry in theaters. I think I was 15 the first time. It is a movie based on the true story of a group of young men learning to grow up and learn while on a boat. Call it Dead Poets society on a boat. As it so often goes on boat movies, a storm comes in and people die. My recollection is a bit fuzzy, but I remember a moment where a young man had to let one of his best friends drown in order for himself to live. It killed me in theaters and when I watched on VHS every time after that.

7. Remember the Titans/Coach Carter- Yes, I am a sucker for inspirational sports movies and these two are fairly similar. They both feature great moments of people who hate each other coming together and persevering. That kind of stuff always gets me. Titans features a few more serious moments like a near fatal accident and such, but Carter has a scene with a gang banger wanting back on the team and Coach gives him impossible tasks and his teammates all take on some of the load in a show of support for a possible teammate. I grew up playing sports and that kind of teamwork is unheard of, but truly remarkable.

6. Brokeback Mountain- It is just one moment out of a movie with great moments and great performances. If you have seen the moment, you know what it is. After his lover dies, Ledger finds his shirt, hugs it, smells it and Kyle's water works hit full tilt. I honestly believe this to be one of the most tragic love stories I have ever seen on film. I have seen it at least a dozen times and that moment gets me every damn time. Tragedy does not come that quiet and that subtle very often, but the movie and Heath's quiet portrayal work to perfection in making me blubber like a child.

5. Moulin Rouge!- I call this my "I want to Cry about love" movie. This is the most romantically tragic movie I have ever seen and Ewan McGreggor makes it all happen as he says one little line "Thank you for curing me of my ridiculous obsession with love." That one line launches tears from me and ridiculous exasperated sighs from Erik as he mocks my romantic sensibilities. The story gets more tragic from there, but it is that small moment that comes right after a giant production number that starts the downward spiral of my emotions. Anytime I am feeling sad about love or desiring to find love, I put this movie on and weep like a chick and I am perfectly okay with it.

4. The Pursuit of Happyness- Even the previews to this movie made me cry. There are three moments that get me each time and they are for totally different reasons; the first is when Will and son are sleeping in the bathroom of a train station and Will tries to keep the door shut. It gets me for the sheer sadness factor. I feel for this guy and his son. The second comes when Will tells his son he will never be a good basketball player and immediately tells his son not to listen to him and that he can be whatever he wants. I cry because of the determination and the fact that Will sells that transition so well. Then I cry at the end with Will as he reaches his goal. He went from being homeless to being able to provide for his kid. It is the ultimate let it all out moment and I let it out alongside him.

3. Freedom Writers- I cannot point out a moment of crying because they start early on and continue for most of the movie. I love stories about people who need just one person to care and when that one person cares, they change everything about them. Throw in a story about a holocaust survivor and high school writing their feelings and you have a perfect cocktail for Kyle tears. Inspiring teenagers is something I hope to do in life and this movie exemplifies that.

2. United 93- I think we all know why this movie makes me cry. It should make everyone cry, but everyone should see it. As an unflinching documentary style film, it really captures the courageous heroes of United 93 on 9/11. It is a beautiful and moving piece of history and a very nice documentation of people rising together on one of America's darkest days. If you are not moved you are not human.

1. Rudy- I cry at the end of this every time and I have seen it probably 50 times by now. He gets to dress and the entire crowd starts chanting "Rudy, Rudy" and he gets on the field and makes a tackle. All is well in the world when Rudy is on. What a powerful inspiration this little guy was/is. He came from a blue collar family and not only got the grades to get to Notre Dame, he played on the all mighty Fighting Irish football team. With teammates and crowd behind him, the coach has no choice and the second Rudy hits the field, the tears hit my face and stay there until the movie has been over for quite some time.

Here are a few movies that made me cry the first time I saw them: Monster's Ball, The Green Mile, The Holiday, Finding Neverland and Half Nelson.

What movies make you cry?

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