I love movies, and love to critique, gush and generally discuss them. This gives me the opportunity to do so. I will also review books, and possibly television shows.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Alien Vs. Predator: Requiem
National Treasure: Book of Secrets(spoilers I guess)
Monday, December 24, 2007
Charlie Wilson's War
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Sweeney Todd
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
The 10 movies I hate the most (special 200th post!!)
1. They had to have theatrical releases. This knocks out all of those awful direct of video movies I used to watch.
2. I had to sit through the entire movie because if I left it early I have no idea of knowing if the movie got better
3. I have to remember hating it. So many movies are forgettable, but these had to be 10 I actively hate.
Without further waiting here we go.
10. Eyes Wide Shut- Kubrick is a god to most film geeks like myself. I have never thought that. I admit he is good, but I find most of his movies to fall into the overrated category. I may get shot for saying that, but that is how I feel. However, none of his movies were bad. Well, until he died and this piece of garbage was released. Billed as a weird sexually charged thriller, this movie has about as much heat as a freezer. Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman were married in real life, but their on screen chemistry was non existent and the story never fully made sense. The censors wouldn't let the orgy scene be shown as desired, but that did not matter because that scene was not very good anyway. It was not a compelling or provocative picture; it was a boring, useless waste of nearly 3 hours of my life. I should have felt dirty because of how erotic the picture was, not because I couldn't believe how bad it was.
9. Failure to launch- Now I am not normally a fan of Romantic Comedies to begin with and the naked bongo playing Matthew McConaughey does not help in any of these movies. This one, though, takes the cake of suckiness. Sarah Jessica Parker and her odd nose co star in a movie that is so bad, the girl who forced me to go to it apologized to me afterwards. Teri Bradshaw is the dad who is naked for no reason and animals seem to talk and make weird noises, serving no real purpose except to aggravate me to no end. As far as Romantic Comedies go, this is bottom of the barrel crap with a story so revolting I was over it 10 minutes in. At some point I just sat and stared at the wart on Sarah Jessica Parker's face and wondered if it got separate billing for the movie.
8. Hollow Man- Kevin Bacon is a great American icon but usually when he plays villains it goes horribly wrong. This may have been the movie to start it all. The idea of a guy becoming invisible is infinitely interesting and while some dark creepy things happen that make me want to like this movie, the ending really just blew every chance for that to happen. For some reason when he goes under and becomes invisible, he also becomes indestructible. They never mention that the science of being invisible made one immune to burning and being shot, but it happened in this god awful movie. The effects were cheesy at best and while it touches on the creepy aspects of being invisible, it never does anything fun at all. I think someone who was invisible would start off doing fun things and then work his or her way into things like undoing the clothes of sexy sleeping people, but this goes right for the rape. What fun is that?!?
7. Saw IV- This is a new entry into this particular list because it was just released in October of this year, yet it was so god awful i can already put it on this list. In a long list of horror movies that defy logic, this one in the most illogical of them all. I am not against the grotesque torture porn in these movies, so that is not my problem. My problem is the absence of anything interesting, scary or funny in this movie. A dead killer still finding ways to kill people and entire flashback sequences serving to hope to fill the gaping plot holes do not help matters at all. I know these movies require no thought, but I truly believe apes wrote this movie, having not seen any of the other ones because who needs things to follow a pattern at all. No, not the screen writers for Saw IV. Who cares if the acting sucks in these things because all we want is awesome traps and scares but this movie is so bogged down in a plot that makes no sense that they forgot what people really want- fun deaths. Enduring this movie was a case of torture porn in itself.
6. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon- The first real critically acclaimed movie on my list was so bad my brother fell asleep, which is the only reason I watched the whole thing. It was supposed to be a breathtaking epic, but instead it was slow, boring and even the fights were all things I had seen in Asian cinema before. Basically it was nothing new or exciting and the story was so dour, it really took away from the fighting. Plus, there was like a 30 minute flashback that I did not need in order to understand what was going on. Talk about not trusting your audience. The dialog does not flow in any way and the characters all seem stock. They aren't characters as much as they are things in the way of Ang Lee's shots. I went in not expecting much and I ended up getting even less than that. I know people believe this to be a magical journey through flying Chinese people and their boring romantic lives, but for me it was just a waste of money and time.
5. The Blair Witch Project- Like Crouching Tiger, I saw this only because of the way critics loved it. This was a new inventive way of shooting a horror movie and they did it for cheap! I have no idea where the money went or where the scares were in this dud of a movie, but they certainly were not in the thing I was watching. It went on to be parodied endlessly and is often talked about as being a monumental movie for those people who want to make good movies on a small budget, but they forget to mention the movie sucks! The publicity stunts to make this seem like a true story was semi interesting but the acting, writing, camera work and over all story lack being good. Instead it is a dizzying, poorly shot, badly executed vomit inducing mess. It does not induce vomiting because of the shaky camera, but because of how much it blows.
4. Napoleon Dynamite- This might just be the least funny comedy to ever be a big hit, ever. I mean, ever. Nothing in this movie made me even smile. I wanted to kill myself and everyone involved with this kid friendly obnoxiousness. The lead character is not at all likable and his goofiness is not charming or affable. No, instead he is one of the most detestable movie character ever. You may think I am exaggerating here, but I hate him more than Will Ferrell's Ron Burgandy and I didn't watch that whole movie! Of course a girl made me watch this, which is the only reason I made it through, but I still have yet to find one redeeming quality to this badly put together "comedy." Jon Heder is now making a career out of playing this same deplorable man child and it is all the fault of the idiots who thought there was true comedy to be found inside this disgusting excuse for a movie.
3. Contact- I saw this at my theater, for free, and felt robbed. Let me begin by saying that this movie is 152 minutes long and it is supposedly about aliens and it supposedly begins with a sound. What they don't tell you is that we go 40 minutes until we even hear the sound, which means we get 40 damn minutes of exposition and bad Jodie Foster acting. After she finally hears the sound it is another 100 minutes until the machine is built and she heads off into space to find aliens. (SPOILERS!!!!) However, she does not meet aliens, no, she meets her dead father!! The whole thing is like in her mind, WHAT THE HELL!?!?!?! I just waited 140 minutes to see some freaking aliens and it turns out to not even be aliens?? Oh HELL NO! My butt hurt from the time raping I took watching the entire terrible thing. God, I get angry just thinking about it now!
2. Alexander- This might just be the single most boring movie I ever sat through. It is 3 hours long and in that 3 hours, nothing happens. War happens, but it is barely seen and Alexander conquers a lot of lands, but it doesn't seem like it actually happens, we are just told about it. Also, the acting is so unbelievably bad by all parties that they should revoke Angelina's Oscar for it. Much was made of the overt Homosexuality in the movie but those people were not watching the same movie I was because there was no overt homosexuality. This movie was too afraid to really delve into Alexander's gay ways because the entire aspect of the movie is done with just longing looks between two guys. it was almost offensive how timid Oliver Stone was to show anything sexual between two guys. The only redeeming quality was the Rosario Dawson nudity but even that is overshadowed by how badly that scene is shot. Erik and I kept almost leaving but we thought at least 1 good battle had to happen. We were wrong, very very wrong.
1. Pirates 2 and 3- This should probably not come as any surprise to anyone who knows me very well. These movies are worlds more offensive to the words "movie" "cinema" or "film" than any movie I can remember. Shamelessly pandering to the stupid fan girls these movies make absolutely no sense whatsoever. They are bogged down by unusually long and needless plots, bad special effects, horrible acting and just a horrid sense of knowing how to make a movie. Obviously slumming it for the hefty paycheck, Johnny Depp is at his absolute worst in the final two installments of what was a great idea, once upon a time. The forced romances come from every where and none of the characters really truly belong together and with a very unsatisfying ending in which Orlando Bloom pretends to be a bad ass (he is really sucky at that), these two movies combine to show all of the ways a movie can go wrong. With hardly any worthwhile action sequences and rocks that turn to crabs and all kind of other just god awful, atrocious and deplorable cinematic acts, these movies make me physically ill when I even think about them. Not even the fans of these movies can give me good reasons for liking them because even they know just how dreadful they are.
So there they are, the 10 movies I hate the most. For the record I have walked out or turned off 5 movies and they are- From Hell, The Grudge 2, The Astronaut's Wife, Meet the Parents and Anchorman. Feel free to add any movies you hate or even more interesting to me: movies you walked out on. Also, feel free to defend any of the movies on my list.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
A little housekeeping
Ultimately, since I am going to be a teacher (at least I hope so, If ever get out of College) I decided to go with the classic A-F grading scale. This starts with the review of I Am Legend and will now be attached to the bottom of all movie reviews. I hope this clears up any ambiguity but does not discourage people from actually reading the full review because I love writing them and I love when people read them. I really do spend an awful lot of time thinking about them, bouncing ideas off of people and deciding exactly what to write.
Also, if you can think of anything else you would like to see here, feel free to let me know. I won't say no idea is dumb, because I find a lot of people have dumb ideas, but since I do not associate with those people, everyone who reads this should be just fine! I hope you all (all 4 of you) continue to enjoy reading and if you know anyone who loves movies send them here, I could always use more comments and conversation about movies!
I am Legend
Sunday, December 09, 2007
August Rush
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
The Golden Compass ( Early Review)
The Mist
Sunday, December 02, 2007
10 great movies you probably have not seen
10. Evolution- The movie had an 80 million dollar budget and ended up with a less than 40 million dollar box office, but it really is a comic find. David Duchovny and Orlando Jones have great on-screen chemistry; Sean William Scott had a great one liner that still cracks me up and Julianne Moore proved she could do comedy, but the movie never found an audience, which is a shame because beyond the cool special effects, bizarre Dan Akroyd Cameo and great use of "Play that Funky Music" it is just a very funny movie.
9. Bulworth- Just based on the fact that Warren Beaty raps in this movie is reason enough for everyone to see it. However, it is also a hilarious biting political commentary and a nice stab at black stereotypes. After Senator puts a hit out on himself, he decides to be brutally honest with the people and it turns out they love that. The end 5 minute rapped monologue by Beaty is not only kind of funny, it has some great rhymes and is delivered perfectly. With uncredited Script polishing by Aaron Sorkin, how could I not love this movie and if you watch it, I am fairly certain you will love it too.
8. The Machinist- This is one of those movies that had such a limited theatrical run that it would have been impossible to see, but it had all kinds of buzz because of the weight Christian Bale lost for the role and how quickly he had to put it back on for Batman. It is a small mostly simple story about a guy who cannot sleep and therefore is slowly fading to death. He has dreams or memories and starts to seriously doubt his sanity. Bale was his usual brilliant self and the movie unfolds in way that you don't expect it to and that makes Bale's performance shine even more. If nothing else, you have to respect Bale for really committing to the role and to the movie.
7. The way of the Gun- After writing the brilliant The Usual Suspects, Christopher McQuarrie wanted more, so he wrote and directed this gem. After almost getting an NC-17 rating, the violence was scaled back and the print runs were also scaled back so the movie came and went without making any noise. However, with sharp dialogue, great action sequences and great work from Ryan Phillippe and Benicio Del Toro, this movie deserved better. About a kidnapping gone horribly wrong, the two characters get all Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid and awesomeness abounds. I wouldn't even know where to begin with printing bits of dialogue because there are a done of gems throughout.
6. Breakdown- Sometimes the world forgets Kurt Russell knows how to be a bad ass. This movie serves as a reminder. Released in 1997 to a resounding thud, I saw it for free at my theater and fell in love. There is a great car chase as the climax and there is an intensity throughout the whole movie. It is also scary because Russell's character leaves his wife in the car to go find help for their breakdown and when he returns she is gone. Russell mean mugs, punches and yells his way through hell in the movie and it never gets boring to watch. I am sure it is not for everyone, but I had one hell of a good time watching it.
5. The Frighteners- This is the first R-Rated movie I had permission to see, so it is automatically special to me, but it is also a fantastic movie directed by the brilliant Peter Jackson. Michael J. Fox, revitalizing his career, stars as a guy who gains the ability to see ghosts. He befriends them, gets them to haunt houses and then charges people to clear the house. Yes, it kind of sounds like Pushing Daisies on T.V right now. But then he sees a Grim Reaper type ghost and tries to help the humans that are being stalked by death. With rich, exciting special effects and a funny over the top script, this movie should be a cult classic type movie.
4. Spirited away- Now I am the last person to enjoy anime, really I loathe it, but this is something above and beyond anime. The storytelling is fantastic and the animation really helps further the story of a little girl who wanders into some magical world where humans transform into animals and all kinds of crazy stuff starts to happen. I am not very much into foreign films but this is one of those land mark movies that really should be seen by anyone who loves movies. My family didn't get it, but I was totally sucked into the world this movie created with incredible visuals and stunning cinematic camera shots.
3. Lucky Number Slevin- Most people have heard me talk about this movie now and that is because I really think it is a great piece of pulp cinema. it is fast, funny, interesting and effectively jumps time (something at which many movies try and fail). Josh Hartnett doesn't have to do much but pop off with some very clever one liners and Bruce Willis is at his Stoic best. Morgan Freeman and Ben Kingsley add depth to most stock characters and while there is a twist in the movie, it is not hard to figure out, but it doesn't take away from the movie. The movie really works because of the dialogue and how quickly it pops from line to line. This is certainly in the vein of Tarantino cinema, but it actually work, very well at that.
2. State and Main- Now I openly admit this is not the kind of comedy for everyone, but it should be. I understand it is too smart for the average movies goer, but I like to think the people who come to this blog appreciate things like that. David Mamet wrote and directed this great satire on both Hollywood and small towns as those two worlds collide for a film shoot. Featuring great gags, like a dot com company trying to get product placement even though they are shooting a period piece and Alec Baldwin at his smarmiest as the big time star who has a thing for teenage girls, everything in this movie works on all levels. The dialogue is genius, the performances from all of the actors is great and the whole thing just clicks.
Equilibrium- If you combined the insanely great fight sequences from the Matrix withe the brutal social commentary from Farenheit 451, mixed them up and threw in Christian Bale being awesome, you'd get this insanely creative, brilliant and intense action picture. it was actually made before the Matrix but released afterwards, so it was labeled a knock off, but in reality this movie is worlds better than The Matrix. First of all, the people in this movie can act. Plus, the story makes sense and isn't a Christian Metaphor wrapped in Sci-Fi. Also this has an awesome Sword fight, insane lighting and sound editing, oh and Christian bale being awesome, did I mention that part? Set in a future when art, music and books are outlawed because they make people feel and feeling leads to war, this movie is a great commentary on the need for emotions and balancing out reason with desire. Everyone should watch it and be amazed, even today!
Do you have any movies you love, but can't seem to find anyone else who has them?
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Beowulf (spoilers if you have not read Beowulf)