Monday, February 04, 2013

Anticipating 2013

I am getting this out a bit later than I would have liked, but I am finding my time mostly being taken up with job hunting. However, January is a dumping ground for new movies, so it is not like any of the movies I am most excited for have already been released or anything. I have my 10 movies I am most looking forward to and I am also going to briefly about some other movies about which I am excited.

the Sundance film festival just ended and from that film fest, I think the two movies that intrigue me most are Don Jon's Addiction and Fruitvale. Who knows if they will see a 2013 release, although I suspect they both will. There were other exciting movies coming out of the fest (based solely on tweets and reviews), but these are the two I am most curious about. Don Jon's Addicition is Joseph Gordon-Levitt's screen writing and directorial debut. It is a about a guy (Levitt) who is addicted to porn. It co-stars Scarlett Johanssson as a girl who is addicted to RomComs. The very idea interests me, and I am always excited about new Gordon-Levitt ventures. Fruitvale is the true story of a bay area man shot and killed by BART police. From what I understand the whole movie takes place on this young man's last day. it won two big awards are Sundance, but my main draw is Micheal B. Jordan in the lead. This is a young actor who deserves to be a huge A-List type actor. I kid you not, from being a young teen on The Wire to his amazingly heartbreaking performance on Friday Night Lights, Jordan is the real deal.

Evil Dead probably has the award for the horror movie I am most excited about. It is not technically a remake, but a continuation of the legacy from the Evil Dead series. The red band trailer might be the most effective use of the Red Band trailer I have ever seen and in all honesty, the movie just looks bonkers.

The Rock owns the Guilty Pleasure category this year. He has 4 movies releasing before July this year and 3 of them are movies I am looking forward to immensely, but have no real logical reason why. G.I Joe:Retaliation is probably going to be terrible, but it has ninjas and Bruce Willis. Awesome! Then you have Pain and Gain which looks silly, but in all of the best ways. The Rock and Marky Mark as meat heads trying to pull of a caper all directed by Michael Bay??? Yes Please! But the icing on the cake that is the Rock's 2013 is easily FAST AND FURIOUS 6!!!! I have no good reasons for why I am such a fan of this series. The movies are brainless, but they entertain in every way. The Super Bowl teaser was stupid nuts and I cannot wait, seriously. I just want it now!!

For the first time since I could remember there is only one Superhero movie in my top 10. Thor 2, Wolverine, Man of Steel and Kick Ass 2 are all just outside of my list this year. It is not that I have Superhero fatigue, I do not think. it boils down to 2012 having 2 incredible Superhero movies. Thor was good, but not great, the last Wolverine movie was insanely disappointing and I love Zack Snyder more than most, but I am not sure I care enough about Superman to get greatly excited for Man of Steel.

Oblivion and After Earth are two movies I want to be excited about, but feel like both will be terrible. I always love seeing Will Smith on screen, but knowing M. Night Shyamalan directed After Earth automatically angers me.

If my list included numbers 11 and 12 they would be The Hobbit: The desolation of Smaug and The Hunger Games: Catching Fire.

Also, I do not even know what to make of The Great Gatsby at this point. I want to be unbelievably excited for it, but knowing it got shelved for 7 months worries me and I have heard things that make me uneasy about it.

Okay onto my 10 most anticipated movies of 2013

10. The Wolf of Wall Street: Scorsese directing a Wall Street movie with mob ties already sounds like a hit, but to have a cast of DiCaprio, McConaughey (career revolution continues), Jonah Hill, Spike Jonez and Kyle Chandler(seriously love him) and I am completely sold. We've got the mob, securities fraud, Wall Street and corporate banking? I think Scorsese is out to make a statement and I am stoked.

9. Elysium: I did not love District 9 as much as the rest of the world, but I recognized the talent of the man who created it. Here he is again creating another world. This time the Sci-Fi aspect takes on a futuristic world. I love dystopian future movies. I also love movies that star Matt Damon and I have heard that Damon is doing some of his best work in this movie so that right there is enough for me to include it in my top 10.

8. This is the End: A bunch of hilarious actors playing versions of themselves facing the apocalypse? Hell yes! Seth Rogen got all of his friends together and they went at it. I have no idea if this will be wickedly hilarious, or if it will just be ridiculous, but I am stoked. For some reason knowing Emma Watson is playing herself in this movie makes me even more interested. Go to the IMDB page for it just to see all who is supposed to be in this. it is worth it for that. It is going to be so META!!

7. Monster's University: I truly think Monster's Inc is the funniest PIXAR movie. It is one of the best PIXAR movies, and more than anything else, it actually gets better every time you watch it. Any chance I get to see Mike and Sulley again, count me in. I love the idea of them at Scare College and the trailer kills me. Billy Crystal and John Goodman are the perfect team. Plus i need the taste of Brave out of my mouth.

6. Star Trek into Darkness: Star Trek surprised me. It was so much fun, but still had heart and created an interesting mythology. The sequel looks darker and much more massive, but still quite excellent. I love Abrams' flare...or lens flair even. I just like the way he paces movies and how he builds tension. I find the cast to be incredibly appealing and I want to journey with them for longer. I am not sure what is going on in the trailer, but I like that.

5. Inside Llewyn Davis: To this day I can count 1 Coen Brothers movie that I have seen that I did not like, therefore, when they release a new movie, I am always going to be a excited. When they decide to make a movie about a folk musician and have it co-star Carey Mulligan, Justin Timberlake, and John Goodman, will even better. Setting it in the 1960s for some reason makes it sound even more appealing. It fits the Coen Brothers' style. I imagine this will be weird and hilarious, but also sad and touching.

4. Iron Man 3: I know people were disappointed by the second movie in this series, but I was not. However, a new writer/director is taking the reins, which normally scares me, but the new man on the film is Shane Black who is awesome and writes and directs awesome movies and who wrote and directed Robery Downey Jr in the underseen brilliance that is Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. The Trailers look brutal, but still with a hint of humor. Ben Kingsley already looks awesome as the villain and Marvel really knows what it is doing with their movies. I expect this movie to have laughs, killer explosions and ultimately a big heart where Tony and Pepper are concerned.

3. 42: Jackie Robinson has always been a hero to me and to millions of others. When people whine about sports, I always think about how Robinson did not only change baseball, he helped change America. I have always been curious about a biopic for him and now we finally have one. I have a friend who has seen it and said it was incredible, and his opinion has a lot of value for me. I am pretty sure I am going to love it because of what Robinson means in the grand scheme of my love of baseball, but knowing someone thought it was awesome helps. Harrison Ford looks like he is doing his best acting in decades and the trailer brings me to tears every time I see it.

2. Pacific Rim: In most years this movie would be number 1 by miles. Now it is number 2 by miles and just under number 1. Guillermo Del Toro is a genius. I really believe that. His movies are inventive, weird, full of a dream like imagination and awesome. But this takes the cake, Aliens come to Earth and humans control GIANT ROBOTS to fight them!!! Oh and Idris Elba is one of the stars. Are you kidding me? It is so many things I love in one place!!!! The teaser trailer is epic beyond belief and well, did you read the summary?? Giant human controlled robots fight giant aliens!!!!

1. Gravity: To be very honest, I do not know much about this movie. George Clooney and Sandra Bullock star and as far as I know, they are pretty much the only two people in the movie. The movie is about astronauts trying to get back to Earth after their space shuttle gets knocked around by debris and they are just floating through space. The biggest reason this is my number 1 movie is Alfonzo Cuaron. He directed the best Harry Potter movie and the wonderful Y Tu Mama Tambien, but his last movie was Children of Men. Children of Men was an instant classic for me. It is without question one of my all time favorite movies. I have been waiting for a follow up for 7 years now and it is finally here!!

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