Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Rocker

I am just going to jump right into this one.

Robert Fishman(Rainn Wilson) believes he is about to be on top of the world as the drummer of Vesuvius, a metal band poised to hit the big time. The problem is, the record label wants the band to kick "Fish" out of the band because the nephew of a big wig wants in the band. At first the band is reluctant, but they do it and leave fish in the dust. 20 years later, Vesuvius is still on top and Fish has not gotten over it. He loses his job and girlfriend in the same day and has to move in with his sister and her family. Matt Gadman (Josh Gad), Fish's nephew is in a high school band who needs a drummer to help them play the prom. That gig goes well at first, but in the end, Fish ruins the gig with his crazy drum solos. The other two members of the band, Amelia (The super sexy Emma Stone) and Curtis (Teddy Geiger) want Fish out of the band, but Fish strikes a deal where if he gets them a gig, he can stay. He gets them the gig but it doesn't go well and Fish has to move out. Matt finds a way they can rehearse, but Fish rehearses naked, it hits youtube and all of a sudden they are a minor sensation. They get a record contract and a tour and the movie follows them on the tour.

No, there is nothing particularly memorable about The Rocker, but it is a fine movie on a lazy day to enjoy. It has some great comic moments, some fun rock stuff that makes you wish you were on tour and a nice message about not chasing after what doesn't want you because it is their loss. The movie waits about 85 minutes to come up with a real conflict and solves that conflict in a matter of minutes so it is a bit silly, but it is harmless. In fact, the entire movie is harmless. The physical comedy works, but it is nothing new and Wilson, in a role meant for Will Ferrell or Jack Black, does a pretty damn good job. I forgot briefly he is mostly known for such a straight edge role on T.V. The music is okay, if a bit emo, but Fish is constantly making light of the emo music so it works because he says what we want to say about the music. It is easy to see where the movie is going from very early on, but it has a spirit to it and that is thanks to Wilson. He brings a nice energy and it seems like everyone else caught on.

The young band members all do a great job. Gad is like Jonah Hill, but with an ability to be taken seriously and Teddy Geiger does a pretty good job as the tortured song writer. Geiger and Wilson share this excellent montage type scene that really captures the spirit of the music and the spirit of optimism often lacking in movies. However, I was all about Emma Stone. I have loved her since Drive on T.V and of course, Superbad. She is super hot, but it is an odd kind of hot. She totally looks great with a guitar strapped on and she does a good job of anchoring all of the testosterone with some nice girl power moments. Christina Applegate comes in to also balance out the testosterone and she has some fun as the mother of Geiger.

There is nothing in this movie that is going to make anyone stand up and cheer out right and maybe it is just another movie, but I had a good Time. It is a nice distraction and sometimes that is okay. Plus, who doesn't wish they were a rock star?

Final Grade: C

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