Thursday, January 24, 2008

10 actors/actresses I hate

This list was at the request of a reader and while this person wondered about a list of men and a list of women, I could not do that. At some point I started listing people I was merely indifferent to like Keanu Reeves or Sandra Bullock. What I wanted was a list of 10 people I loathe. These are 10 people that make movies worse or if they are starring in them, I tend to actively stay away from those movies. There may be 1 or 2 exceptions from some of the actors on this list and I will mention them. So here is the list of 10 actors/actresses I actively avoid if possible. Also, this is specifically about on-screen because I could not care less about the personal lives of the actors, so don't expect Tom Cruise on this list.

10. Hugh Grant- I was never into his bumbling British persona and I have not seen a movie of his I actually enjoyed. He does the same thing in every movie and it is annoying in every movie. He has two emotions- happy and nervous- that is it. He does not do much these days, thank god, but during his romantic comedy run of the late nineties I was in British movie Hell!

9. Lucy Lui- I do not think she is sexy first off. I am not sure why people find her to be sexy, but more than that she is a horrible actress. She doesn't do comedy or action well and I haven't seen her do drama and I hope to keep it that way. She tends to play the same version of a sexy dominatrix, but she isn't commanding enough on screen to really pull it off.

8. Bill Paxton- He isn't much of a movie actor these days, but when he was, I tried to stay away from his movies. He couldn't act in anything because his line readings were so incredibly stiff. The one exception is Twister, but my enjoyment for that movie was more in spite of him. It was just a cool ass movie. He doesn't make a believable anything and his voice is just kind of grating for me.

7. Gwyneth Paltrow- This is another actress I just don't get. She hasn't really done much good work and when she tries her hand at comedy she fails miserably. I didn't buy the romance of Shakespeare in Love or anything else she has done really. I cannot remember the last time I actually went and watched a movie starring Gweneth and that is perfectly fine with me.

6. Mel Gibson- Other than the first 2 Lethal Weapon movies and Signs I can't recall enjoying a single thing he has ever done. Braveheart is among the most overrated movies I have ever watched and he just ruins movies for me. He isn't a good actor; not in any way is he worth the money I pay to watch a movie. Of course, we have been lucky that he has not really acted sine signs and maybe he will keep it that way.

5. Renee Zellweger- Oh how I hate her scrunched up little face and her tiny little high pitched whine of a voice. I get physically ill watching her try and act in everything and she damn near derailed Chicago with her god awful singing/dancing/acting. I am hoping she won't ruin Leatherheads for me, but to this day I cannot think of a single movie where I liked her work. Okay, maybe she was alright in Jerry Maguire, but that had more to do with that great dialog than her annoying stupid acting.

4. Laura Linney- This is an actress who is always in the running for best actress nominations, but I really do not get the love she receives. With the exception of Truman Show, I have not really enjoyed watching her. She is essentially the same in every movie- an uptight woman in desperate need of sex- and she isn't even very good at it. She nearly ruined a perfectly great movie- Mystic River- with her bad acting and annoying movie posture. I can't explain what I mean by that, it is just something that annoys me.

3. Ben Stiller- When he is not in a Ben Stiller movies- The Royal Tenenbaums and Permanent Midnight- he is actually okay, but sadly he only wants to make bad comedies where he plays a guy who continues to have terrible things happen to him and he greatly overreacts to them all. He is not funny, not even a little bit and though I know he is not going away, I can always hope that the dismal performances of The Heartbreak Kid means he is on the way out. right? Right?

2. Uma Thurman- Oh wow my hatred for her knows almost no bounds. She delivers lines worse than anyone. She sounds like she is actually reading everything from a cue card because she sucks that bad. She can't do comedy (Be Cool), musicals (The Producers), drama (Gattaca) and she certainly can't do action (Kill Bill). In fact, she almost turned Tarentino into a little bitch with those god awful Kill Bill movies. She can be attractive at times, but then she opens her mouth and I lose all respect. I wish she would stop making movies!

1. Will Ferrell- This should come as no shock to anyone who knows me. I loathe Will Ferrell so much you'd think he killed my mother. His lack of talent compared to his success is one of the big mysteries that will send me to my grave early if I try and solve it. He does the exact same thing in every movie and when it wasn't funny in Anchorman, how was it supposed to be funny in umm Kicking and Screaming, Blades of Glory, Ricky Bobby, Elf, Zoolander and the upcoming Semi-Pro. If you have seen Anchorman you have seen everything this damn fool has to offer but sadly there are people who find him funny. I wish I didn't know any of those people. Listening to people quote his endless barrage of moronic quotes from his mind numbingly unfunny movies makes me wish I was deaf sometimes.

There you have it, Feel free to defend any of these names, or maybe point out performances of theirs that might change my mind. Also, who are some actors or actresses that you really just cannot stand?

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