Friday, August 18, 2006

Snakes on a plane

Most of the reviews of this movie are likely to start with the amount of hype and then ask the question "but is it any good?" Then they'll go on to tell you things like its campy or unintentional hilarious. I guess by mentioning that, I kind of fell into that same trap. Oh well, every so often i like to follow the norm.

Sam Jackson is a screen legend to me. His movies combined have made more money than any other movie star in the history of cinema. Look it up, I don't lie! So what would convince a man of that stature to do a movie that is so obviously cheesy. The real question is why wouldn't he want to star in a movie that is so obviously cheesy. We as audience members have to sit through about 10 minutes worth of movie before we ge tour first glimpse of the oh so cool Mr Jackson, Gat in hand, coolly telling the kid "listen to me and you live." Of course, the real movie doesn't begin until the plane is in the air. We are introduced to a variety of horribly cliched characters- the black rapper, a white Paris Hiltonesque type and an Asian kick boxer. We have a disgusting co-pilot and a seemingly gay male flight attendant. Oscar worthy, it isn't but what happens next is a damn good time.

The snakes are unleashed, interspersed with a painfully gratuitous female nude scene (not that i am complaining)and the next 45 minutes are a non stop barrage of snake bites and deaths. Snakes bite breasts, eyes, necks, ears and in a laugh out loud moment, one attaches itself to a penis. You know its coming but you can't help but cringe and laugh all at the same time. Some people die instantly, while some are just poisoned, left to die later. All of the while, you are on the edge of your seat just waiting to see what the hell is going to happen next. Luckily for us, what happens next is Sam Jackson lays the smack down on their collective slithery asses!!

Mostly, you sit and wait for Sam Jackson to swear and act like the bad ass he is. This movie is the perfect mix of camp and scare. The movie appears blissfully aware of the big joke the movie was supposed to be and it plays off as super summer fun. By the time Mr. Jackson gets to the line everyone is waiting for, I was teetering at the edge of my seat almost bubbling over with giddy fanboy excitement and he did not disappoint!!

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