Monday, April 18, 2011

Pre Summer movie bash!!

I know I do not really write in this thing anymore, so it would not surprise me if no one came back to read it, but I am hoping to, at the very least, write reviews during the summer months. The summer movie season is always fun for me and with school being on hiatus,I am confident I will have the time to dedicate to writing reviews. So without further ado, here is my annual pre summer movie bash!

My 10 most anticipated movies of the summer.

10. Green Lantern: I am not sold on this movie because the trailers have not wowed me. The 7 minute sizzle reel was nice, but I am still missing something.

9. Friends with Benefits: So far, it is the funniest trailer of the summer and I love the cast. yes, we have seen a version of this movie already this year, but this looks flat out hilarious

8. X-Men: First Class: X3 was bad, Wolverine was bad, so why do I even care? Well, it looks really damn good. The cast is strong, I like the director and the footage so far intrigues me.

7. Thor: Curiosity is what makes this so high on the list. How are they going to do this movie. It is not the easiest character to translate to the mainstream and casting a virtual unknown as Thor is not the Marvel way, but I am curious enough.

6. Transformers 3:The Dark of the Moon: The fact that this is outside of my top 5 goes to show how bad part 2 was. Everyone involved swears they have fixed it and I love the teaser trailer!! I will miss sexy Megan Fox, but excited for more Robots beating the crap out of each other.

5. The Hangover 2: I do not care if the trailer looks like a rehash of the first movie, there is something about it that makes me giggle every time. I love these guys and want to see more crazy adventures.

4. Cowboys and Aliens: Until a week ago, this movie would have been probably down at number 7 or 8, but the new full length trailer came out and it totally rocks! I am still unsure of the full tone of the movie, but I am super amped.

3. Captain America: I love the idea of a Captain America movie. He is not my favorite in the Marvel universe, but the idea of a Captain America movie just feels right. The trailer is solid and Evans looks great, which was a big hurdle in my opinion. It has a great classic cinema look, with killer action and I think the suit looks excellent. Also, Tommy Lee Jones is a total bonus.

2. Harry Potter 7 part 2: The saga finally comes to an end. An entire generation of people were raised on this group of characters and here we are at the end. The first half was moody, creepy and totally awesome, so I can only imagine how totally epic part two will be.

1. Super 8: I am not sure I have ever felt like a director/producer team mattered as much as Abrams and Spielberg. J.J Abrams is the man in my book. I love everything of his I have seen. His mind works in a way that makes him the perfect geek director. I cannot wait to see how this one plays out. It looks like a total throw back movie and everything being written about it is positive and I just NEED this movie now!!

My guesses for the worst 5 movies of summer:

5. Cars 2: This is the first time in quite a few years that I was not excited about a pixar movie. It actually makes me sad to say it, but this looks absolutely awful

4. Kung fu Panda 2: The first movie was pleasant enough, but the action was cool and the comedy sucked. The trailers really push the comedy, so bleh!

3. The Smurfs: I will see it because NPH is in it, but there is no reason for this movie to even exist. No reason at all. The trailer looks awful and honestly, why??

2. Zookeeper: If you take Paul Blart and smash him into Dr. Doolittle, you have this movie. Kevin James is likable enough, but honestly, this is nonsense. I am typically against talking animals in live action movies anyway.

1. Pirates 4: If you know me, you know i am not shy about my hatred for Pirates 2 and 3. Getting rid of Orlando and Keira and adding Cruz does nothing to excite me. Johnny Depp has been playing nothing but Jack Sparrow for almost a decade now it seems and I am over it. I am hoping to avoid this movie, but since I see movies for free, I will probably see it.

Random Thoughts:

There is no Adam Sandler movie this summer. It weirds me out.

Priest looks sufficiently bad ass

I feel like this year is going to determine what happens with 3D. Many big movies being released in 3D this summer and winter. I hope 3D dies.

The Beaver could be Lars and the Real Girl level brilliant, or it could be a total suckfest. I do not think there is a middle ground.

Bridesmaids just missed my top 10, but will it be the female Hangover? Will Kristin Wiig be the breakout star SNL is breeding her to be?

A few interesting looking movies being released in limited release this summer: Everything Must Go, Hesher, Tree of Life
I feel like Bad Teacher would have been a good movie for Cameron Diaz a few years ago, but now it just comes off as desperate.

Until I see a trailer for Horrible Bosses I cannot in good faith be excited, but the team involved make me anxious for a trailer.

Winnie the Pooh is coming back to theaters and it is in traditional looking animation. This is the most exciting animated movie this summer, in my opinion.

CrazyStupidLove intrigues me based on the cast and the trailer is promising, but can Ryan Gosling keep up with such comic actors as Steve Carrell and Emma Stone?

There is a serious over loading of comic book movies this summer and next summer looks to be more of the same. Will people stop coming to see them?


Unknown said...

I'm gonna have to disagree with you on Cars 2. When it was announced, I was totally down in the idea of a Cars sequel. Why not Incredibles 2?! But the first trailer totally grabbed me. I like that Pixar is going in a totally different (and unexpected) direction with this sequel. Plus, I think Toy Story 2 & 3 have proved that they know how to make an awesome sequel.

Captain America and X-Men First Class are probably my most anticipated films of the summer. I don't think it's a coincidence that they're both superhero flicks set in earlier decades rather than modern day.

Taylor said...

I'm glad you're back :)