Sunday, October 26, 2008

Saw V (Major spoilers!)

Since watching this movie on Thursday night, I have been trying to figure out how to best review it. My initial thought was to say that I was only going to write the good things about the movie and then just have a blank review. I also considered doing my usual review, but this movie isn't worth it. So instead I am going to talk about the tag line and the ending.

The tag line for this installment of the most popular torture porn series was "you won't believe how it ends." In the third Saw movie, Jigsaw died, but he had someone carry on his legacy. What follows is a list of things that would have shocked me:

Jigsaw was not really dead.
The good guys win and the Saw franchise ends
The guy we thought was the good guy is actually bad.
Saw V ends in a musical number featuring Zac Efron.
Batman saves the day.
An ending with no death or gore.

Here is the one thing that would not shock me in the Saw franchise: The good guy is killed and the bad guy gets away.

So how does Saw end? Sadly, it does not end with a musical number featuring Zac Efron, no it ends with the good guy dying and the bad guy getting away with it. Not only that, but the other good guys think our good guy was the bad guy, so the bad guy gets away even more. What kind of nonsense is that? Look, I get that anyone willingly paying money to watch these garbage "films" probably gets what they deserve but seriously, is there a way to sue the makers for false advertisement?

Final Grade: F (of course)

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